Add the Scores corresponding to your answers.
1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
a. = 0
b. = 1
c. = 2
d. = 3
e. = 4
2. How many alcoholic drinks do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?
a. = 0
b. = 1
c. = 2
d. = 3
e. = 4
3. How often do you have 6 or more drinks on one occasion?
a. = 0
b. = 1
c. = 2
d. = 3
e. = 4
4. How often during the past year have you found that you drank more or for a longer time than you intended?
a. = 0
b. = 1
c. = 2
d. = 3
e. = 4
5. How often during the past year have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your drinking?
a. = 0
b .= 1
c. = 2
d. = 3
e. = 4
6. How often during the past year have you had a drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?
a. = 0
b. = 1
c. = 2
d. = 3
e. = 4
7. How often during the past year have you felt guilty or remorseful after drinking?
a. = 0
b. = 1
c. = 2
d. = 3
e. = 4
8. How often during the past year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because of your drinking?
a. = 0
b. = 1
c. = 2
d. = 3
e. = 4
9. Have you or anyone else been injured as a result of your drinking?
x. = 0
y. = 2
z. = 4
10. Has a relative, friend, doctor, or health care worker been concerned about your drinking, or suggested that you cut down?
x. = 0
y. = 2
z. = 4
(See Below)
Your score:
If you scored 8-10 or more, you are probably addicted to alcohol.