
Substance Abuse Individual Counseling
Contact us for information on how we can help you or a family member improve the quality of life for you and your loved ones.
We are Located on Capital Circle NE at the intersection of Lonnbladh Rd. directly behind the Focal Pointe and Dr. Dean's office.
Individual Counseling
TownsendARC provides Individual Counseling for Substance Abuse, Codependency, and other behavioral addictions.
Treatment Modalities Include:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
- Stress and Anger Management
- Hypnosis
- Insight Oriented Client Centered Therapy
- Short Term Solution Focused Therapy
- Physician Assisted Drug Treatment
Substance Abuse Counseling is based on patient needs and preferences in addition to ASAM Placement Criteria. Treatment is client centered and guided by mutual treatment planning and professional ethics.

Clinical Director & Lead Counselor
Jack Richardson Lcsw, Dcsw, SAP
Counseling preformed by Professional Licensed clinicians, with at least 25 years or more of clinical experience.


Continuity of Care: an Essential Practice.
Within the legal bounds of HIPAA, we share information with each patient's PCP, Psychiatrist, Internist, and Specialist (with the patients consent) to provide Continuity of Care and improve the overall success of the chemical dependency treatment and the medical treatment being given to the patients in our care.
Contact us for info. <> Most Insurance Accepted
2724-8 Capital Circle NE, FL 32308, Ph: 850.656.5112 <> Fx: 850.656.3802
